Rising Star Theatre Attendance Program

A Chorus Line
Inspiring a new generation
Rising Star program


Click Here to apply for the Theatre Attendance Program

Sign-up now because space is very limited! Our theatre subscription program provides high school students from schools all over the Bay Area the opportunity to see four plays from San Francisco Playhouse’s current season. Our main objective is to inspire a new generation of theatregoers in the Bay Area by exposing students to the arts in a professional venue. For most youth, the cost of professional theatre is prohibitive. Our goal is not only for each student to participate for one season, but to also take part in a second year of the program, seeing a total of eight plays in two seasons of San Francisco Playhouse. Ultimately, we hope this will motivate these young people to develop a personal interest in theatre and seek out additional opportunities for theatre attendance. To make this program happen, many of our generous subscribers have pledged an extra $100 to cover the cost of one student’s four tickets.

  • Ten to fifty students from your school attend 4 shows throughout the San Francisco Playhouse season — at no cost to you!
  • Each show takes place on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday night at 7:00 pm.
  • We work with you to find dates that fit your school schedule.
  • We schedule a post-play talk-back with the actors and director for the night that you and your students attend.
  • You receive an hour-long, dynamic, active lesson plan that will prepare your students for the show.
  • You receive post-play discussion questions.
  • Your students write and mail thank you letters to their donors within a week of attending the show.

For more information, contact [email protected].


The Rising Star Theatre Attendance Program is made possible thanks to generous grants from The Michelson Family Foundation and The Kimball Foundation and donations from hundreds of San Francisco Playhouse subscribers who pay an extra $100 to sponsor a Rising Star student.

Participating Schools

Our Rising Star Program began in 2009 with 84  students and two schools. In three years, the program has grown to serve nearly 600 students in 16 different schools across the Bay Area.