Hold These Truths Resources


Our production of Hold These Truths by Jeanne Sakata discusses the relocation and incarceration of tens of thousands of innocent American citizens of Japanese ancestry.

We understand that the content of the play might be triggering to some people and we want to make sure to offer resources that can help support you. We also want to offer additional resources for those feeling compelled to help and support. Please find some suggestions below.

ACLU of Northern California


The ACLU makes sure that Constitutional rights — to free speech, to privacy, to due process — don’t just exist on paper, but also in practice. The ACLU is the first line of defense against threats to civil liberties and we work to ensure these freedoms are guaranteed to every person in this country.

Volunteering with the ACLU of Northern California


Interested in volunteering with ACLU NorCal? Check our their volunteer page! They also have some great volunteer training opportunities coming up this summer:

June: Training for Change Makers: Redistricting 101
What is redistricting? It is one of the most important democratic processes of 2021! Redistricting is the redrawing of district lines from which public officials are elected, like city council or school board districts. Redistricting matters. The way lines are drawn will not only impact who your community has the power to elect, but ultimately, your ability to shape the local, state, and federal policies that affect your everyday life. Join us to learn how you can engage in this process to advocate for district lines that are truly representative of the community. Register for the June 22nd training here.

July: Culture Shift | Trainings for Equity and Racial Justice:
Getting Comfortable with Conversations About Race Having conversations about race can be really hard for us as individuals or for other people we are trying to engage in dialogue. Discussions about race can bring up a lot of discomfort for people not normally impacted by racism or anti-Black racism, but that discomfort can create the space to learn and grow. In this session, we are joined by facilitating partners Jolana Watson and Jazzmine Hardges-Garner to talk about building comfort with discomfort in order to have productive conversations about race. Register for the July 13th training here.

August: Training for Change Makers: Redistricting 201
Ready to take a deeper dive and up your advocacy skills to engage in the redistricting process? If you joined us for the June Trainings for Change Makers (Redistricting 101) and want to help advocate for district lines that are truly representative of your community, join us for this training where we will provide more in depth detail about what you can expect in the process and how you can advocate to ensure that district lines are drawn fairly and in a way that maximizes community power to shape the policies that affect everyday lives. Register for the August 10th Training here.

Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California


The Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California strives to meet the evolving needs of the community through offering programs, affordable services and facility usage. The goals are: To manage and maintain a multi-service community center which is owned and operated by the Japanese American community. To organize and provide educational, cultural, recreational and social programs that meet the growing needs, interests and concerns of the community. To preserve and promote the Japanese American cultural and historical heritage. To enhance understanding and appreciation among the Japanese American community, American public and people of Japan. To provide administration and program space for non-profit organizations in the community.

Tsuru for Solidarity


Tsuru for Solidarity is a nonviolent, direct action project of Japanese American social justice advocates working to end detention sites and support front-line immigrant and refugee communities that are being targeted by racist, inhumane immigration policies. We stand on the moral authority of Japanese Americans who suffered the atrocities and legacy of U.S. concentration camps during WWII and we say, “Stop Repeating History!”

Japantown Task Force


Japantown Task Force‘s mission is to preserve and develop Japantown, strengthen the ethnic diversity, and create an atmosphere of safety, beauty, vitality, and prosperity. Their goal: Develop Japantown as a historical center, cultural capital, and community center for people of Japanese ancestry in America. Revitalize Japantown as a thriving commercial and retail district. Preserve and expand Japantown as a neighborhood of residents, community-based organizations and institutions, and neighborhood services. Improve Japantown’s physical environment so that it contributes to the diverse cultural, economic, and neighborhood vitality of the community.

Trauma Recovery Center


The Trauma Recovery Center facilitates healing for adult survivors of trauma, violence, and loss through an innovative, clinically-proven model of comprehensive care, advocacy, and outreach. We eliminate barriers to healing and inspire survivors to embrace hope.

NAMI HelpLine


The NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness) HelpLine is a free, nationwide peer-support service providing information, resource referrals and support to people living with a mental health condition, their family members and caregivers, mental health providers and the public. HelpLine staff and volunteers are experienced, well-trained and able to provide guidance.