



By Alan Jay Lerner (book and lyrics) and Frederick Loewe (music)
Based on “Once and Future King” by T.H. White
Directed by Bill English
Music Director: Dave Dobrusky
July 16 to Sept 21
Press Opening, July 20th, 8pm
Tues/Wed/Thurs at 7pm Fri/Sat at 8pm, Sat Mat at 3pm
All previews at 8pm

Camelot is the timeless and powerful love triangle between legendary King Arthur, his Queen Guenevere and his best friend Lancelot. With one of Broadway’s most enchanting scores featuring the hauntingly romantic “If Ever I Would Leave You”, “I Loved You Once in Silence”, and “Follow Me”, Camelot is the definitive musical theatre fable.Read the Press Release



Photos by Jessica Palopoli

*Member of AEA

Camelot Trailer:

Behind the Scenes of Camelot: