Play Reading Series

‘Parachute Men’ by Mando Alvarado

‘Parachute Men’ by Mando Alvarado

Monday, December 12, 2016 at 7pm

Parachute Men

by Mando Alvarado


Eric: Erik-Jon Gibson
Andrew: Juan Amador
Eli: Francisco Arcila
Cory: Laura Espino
Angel: Carlos Aguirre
Linda: Stephanie Prentice*

“Parachute Men” is an unconventional and quirky comedy about three brothers who suck at being brothers, suck at love and suck at being men. The siblings are reunited when one of them returns home on the anniversary of their mother’s passing. Now it’s clear that the pecking order has changed and the battle begins to see who can take that baby step into manhood first.

Director: Karina Gutierrez, Playwright : Mando Alvarado

Monday, December 12, 2016 at 7pm
450 Post Street, San Francisco CA 94102

This is a FREE event. We invite you to bring a treat to share,  a wine to pour, a friend.

RSVP via Email

* Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers

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